Peek over the paywall

By joining our small super keen community you can jump the paywall. By being a paying subscriber you willHave access to:

  • Our private youtube series called Tell Us What You Really Think - where Konrad, Nath & Russ break down the interviews and episodes and share our honest unfiltered opinions (may or may not be kid friendly)

It’s not about the money

Our singular goal here at the Ideas Digest Podcast is to include and connect with as many different people as we possibly can. We go to great lengths to hide our personal religious beliefs, political leanings or whether we like pineapple on pizza.


In this modern media landscape, ideas and opinions are the basis from which many form their ‘tribe’ determining who is ‘in’ who is ‘out’, ‘with me’ or ‘against me’. We at Ideas Digest find that when someone thinks or assumes we are not “on their team” they often refuse to engage with us in a conversation. If they do decide to come on the show, they often very defensive and guarded, shutting down the open & vulnerable conversation necessary for us to find and connect with their humanity.

It is for this reason that we have decided to hide our honest thoughts and opinions behind a stupidly high paywall to discourage almost everyone from wasting their money to find out our poorly formed opinions :)

If you care about what we think THAT much or believe in what we are doing, then we are truly grateful for your support & welcome you in with open arms.

But I can’t afford it!

Our pricing is a deterrent, a signal to scare off those who wish to wield our opinions against us. But money isn’t the only way you can gain access to this platform. We also accept your time-

If you would love to be an active part of the Ideas Digest community but don’t have the coin to spare, we are open to other forms of ‘payment’. Other forms of payment include but not limited to

  • Goods and or services trades

  • Hand written essays
    (Example essay statement; “How hearing Konrad’s personal opinion will improve my life prospects in the future”)

  • Custom artworks or poetry

Feel free to send an email to if you would like access but are financially limited.

Subscribe to Ideas Digest

Breaking down the ideas that divide us, to find the humanity that connects us.


Breaking down the ideas that divide us, to find the humanity that connects us.